Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Settling In

Well, the move is complete and it is actually starting to feel like home. Most of the pictures are hung and the boxes are put away. Realized that I had forgotten to pack about one-third of my work clothes so had to go back and get them. Now I just have to finish getting all the utilities in my name, the apartment management was gracious enough to let me have a couple weeks free.

Living in town is a different experience. It used to be running out for a gallon of milk was an hour long event, now it’s 5 minutes to the store and home again; something that I haven’t been used to for 10 years now.

On Sunday my daughter and I went 5 minutes away and saw Little Fockers, hadn’t seen the first two and was not sure about jumping into number three but loved every minute of it and the best part the theater was so close we could have walked.

Now that the New Year is coming I am beginning to look forward to our new adventure. Still not sure about how my budget will work out I just have to have faith that it will and that this was the best choice for us all.

So here’s to a new year and a new chapter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck in the new year! I think looking at it like an adventure sounds like a good idea, especially since it will be such a big adjustment (living in town versus not, among other things).