Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Tale of Hill Top Farm

The Tale of Hill Top Farm

Susan Wittig Albert

3 out of 5

I've always had a problem with books that have talking animals as main characters. I'm not talking the picture books of our childhood; I am talking about grown up books, without pictures, that have farm animals talking to each other in a regular tone and voice.

Maybe I should have done a little more research into this series by Susan Wittig Albert to know that this is really a mature version of the Beatrix Potter books of my childhood.

After the untimely death of her fiancé, a fictional Beatrix Potter travels to a new home that she has purchased with the proceeds from her little books. Trying to break free from a demanding father, Beatrice purchases Hill Top Farm where she can continue her interest in writing, drawing and studying nature. But most important, to achieve the almost impossible, that being independence.

A cozy mystery would be nothing without the appropriate dead body showing up and that is just what happens when a well liked villager is found dead- but is it not as simple as that when there are also funds missing, a valuable painting is no longer the wall that Beatrix remembers from a previous visit, and most importantly, the parish register that holds the records of Near and Far Sawrey residents.

Nothing is as simple as it seems, but with the local cats, dogs and owl on the case, it won't be long until all is right in this little part of the Lake District.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I couldn't get into this series myself. It just didn't' work for me, which was disappointing because I love the China Bayle's series.