Saturday, June 22, 2024


Title: Westport
Author: James Comey
Published: May 21, 2024 by Mysterious Press
Format: Kindle, Hardcover 351 Pages
Genre: Thriller
Source: My thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.
Series: Nora Carleton (#2)

First Sentence: Prologue: The sun was now fully above the horizon and Ernie Sosa could see the outline of Long Island across the Sound, which meant the best part of his day was finished.

Blurb: A red canoe sits abandoned on Seymour Rock, right where the Saugatuck River hits the Long Island Sound. The elegantly dressed corpse of a woman lies inside….

It’s been two years since Nora Carleton left the job she loved at the US Attorney’s Office to become lead counsel at Saugatuck Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund. The career change also meant a change of scenery, relocating her to Westport, Connecticut, fifty miles north of New York City. But it was worth it to get her daughter, Sophie, away from the city. Plus, she likes the people she works with. Especially Helen, who recruited Nora because of her skills as an investigator.

Then Nora's new life falls apart when a coworker is murdered and she becomes the lead suspect. Nora calls in her old colleagues from the US Attorney’s Office, Mafia investigator Benny Dugan and attorney Carmen Garcia. To clear Nora’s name, Benny and Carmen hunt for the true killer's motive, but it seems nearly everyone at Saugatuck has secrets worth killing for. As Benny sets out to interrogate her colleagues, Nora examines her history with the company to determine who set her up to take the fall. (Amazon)

My Opinion: This book grabbed me from the beginning. Finance, espionage, and murder, what more could a person ask for?

The second book in the series has Nora Carleton working at Saugatuck Associates in Westport, Connecticut, where honesty is paramount within the company. The only problem is that everyone is lying, backstabbing, and stealing. It is the reader's job to figure out the worst of the worst.

Of course, one of the players is found dead, and it looks like Nora is being set up. In comes Benny -- the best part of this series. His humor and perspective make this an enjoyable read.

When it comes to the killer, you must remember what Agatha Christie taught us -- to look hardest at the most unlikely suspect. That is who will be on your radar from the beginning, but getting to the end is a lot of who-else-could-it-be fun.

Comey weaves a lot into his books and I enjoy the ride every time.

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