Monday, June 10, 2024

The Truth About The Devlins

Title: The Truth About The Devlins
Author: Lisa Scottoline
Published: March 26, 2024 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
Format: Kindle, Hardcover 384 Pages
Genre: Thriller
Source: My thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

First Sentence: At first I thought I heard him wrong.

Blurb: TJ Devlin is the charming disappointment in the prominent Devlin family, all of whom are lawyers at their highly successful firm—except him. After a stint in prison and rehab for alcoholism, TJ can’t get hired anywhere except at the firm, in a make-work job with the title of investigator.

But one night, TJ’s world turns upside down after his older brother John confesses that he just murdered one of the clients, an accountant he’d confronted with proof of embezzlement. It seems impossible coming from John, the firstborn son and Most Valuable Devlin.

TJ plunges into the investigation, seizing the chance to prove his worth and save his brother. But in no time, TJ and John find themselves entangled in a lethal web of deception and murder. TJ will fight to save his family, but what he learns might break them first.

My Opinion: It might be because I am also watching the show Succession, but there is a lot of similarity between brothers John and TJ Devlin, and Roman and Kendell Roy. The curious part is that John and TJ are meshing Roman and Kendell and switching back and forth between who is good and who is bad. Then, by the midway point, I wondered if TJ is an unreliable narrator since dear old tyrannical dad wants to put doubt into everyone’s mind, even though he does switch that up out of the blue, or if this is a giant gaslighting fever dream. Midway through the book, I was all over the place.

And then there was the Scottoline twist. A dual twist. Nope, I didn’t see that coming. It was a bit of the throw everything at the reader at once ending -- but looking back -- it was there the whole time.

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