Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Night I Died

Title: The Night I Died
Author: Anne Frasier
Published: October 24, 2023 by Thomas & Mercer
Format: Kindle, 283 Pages
Genre: Psychological Fiction
Source: My thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

First Sentence: Private investigator Olivia Welles had died five times so far in her life.

Blurb: A mother’s unthinkable crime and an investigator’s forgotten past collide in a shocking novel of suspense by Anne Frasier, the New York Times bestselling author of The Body Reader . Private detective Olivia Welles hasn’t been to her hometown since childhood, not since the night she died. She has no memory of the world before the car crash, or of coming back to life in the morgue. But now, years later, when fellow survivor Bonnie Ray calls from a Kansas jail begging for help, Olivia feels the tug of a dark and unremembered past. Bonnie looks guilty of murdering her young son—the third child to die under suspicious circumstances. Intrigued and seeking closure, Olivia agrees to investigate. Back in the foreboding town where her heart stopped and started again, Olivia finds an unexpected ally in Will LaFever, a journalist with his own motives for uncovering the truth. Together they unearth more than they expect about Bonnie, her traumatized family, and the crime. You’re lucky you don’t remember any of it, Olivia’s father used to say. But Olivia’s luck is running out. This time, escaping Finney County with her life might be impossible. (GoodReads)

My Opinion: I do not know why this book sat on my shelf for so long since I have enjoyed her Inland Empire series and knew this book would be a must-read. Frasier avoids unnecessary fillers and shines in hitting the best parts of storytelling.

The characters are broken yet resilient, fighting through their inner damage with compassion, a sense of justice, and hope. The book takes emotional twists and turns, leaving readers gasping and turning pages as quickly as possible. There were a few times I thought the book reached a logical conclusion, only to realize there was so much more to this story.

Despite a slight dip in the middle, the wild ride ultimately leads to a fabulous conclusion. If you enjoy Anne Frasier’s work or are brand new to this author, this one won’t disappoint.

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