Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Chase

Title: The Chase
Author: Candice Fox
Published: March 8th 2022 by Forge
Format: Kindle, Hardcover, 336 pages
Genre: Police Procedural
Source: My thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for an opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

First Sentence: From where she sat at the back of the bus, the driver’s death was a confusing spectacle to Emily Jackson.

Blurb: “Are you listening, Warden?” “What do you want?” “I want you to let them out.” “Which inmates are we talking about?” “All of them.”

With that, the largest manhunt in United States history is on. In response to a hostage situation, more than 600 inmates from the Pronghorn Correctional Facility, including everyone on Death Row, are released into the Nevada Desert. Criminals considered the worst of the worst, monsters with dark, violent pasts, are getting farther away by the second.

John Kradle, convicted of murdering his wife and son, is one of the escapees. Now, desperate to discover what really happened that night, Kradle must avoid capture and work quickly to prove his innocence as law enforcement closes in on the fugitives.

Death Row Supervisor, and now fugitive-hunter, Celine Osbourne has focused all of her energy on catching Kradle and bringing him back to Death Row. She has very personal reasons for hating him – and she knows exactly where he’s heading...

My Opinion: This book never sparked for me, this is not to say that there weren’t a few surprising moments where I didn’t see what was coming, but for the most part, I was frustrated with the characters who had been introduced and emphasized, and then 20’ish pages later were murdered and forgotten. I didn’t see their point and how they moved the story forward. Then other characters are introduced, seldom commented on, then showed up at the end of the book with a final ta-da so the author could run through her checklist and tie a neat bow around anyone she had forgotten.

Her previous book, co-written with James Patterson, the 2 Sisters Detective Agency, which I did enjoy, led me to this book. Unfortunately, I’m not sure, as a lone writer, Candice Fox is a match for me.

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