Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Associate

The Associate

John Grisham

4 out of 5

Grisham really played it safe with this book. Unfortunately, with this book he didn't push the envelope enough. As I was reading the book my mind kept flashing forward wondering which twist he was going to add, which alley he was going to lead Kyle McAvoy down, but he didn't do it. We ended up with more of a happily ever after type of ending.

Kyle is the top of his class at Yale, editor of the Yale Law Journal, already has his life plan in order, working for a couple of years doing pro bono work then maybe joining his dad's firm working in small town law. That all changes when he is approached with a video tape showing a college night that got out of control. Now Kyle finds himself taking a job at a mega firm and forced to steal confidential information.

What ensues in a lively game of cat and mouse with occasional support characters that could of been rounded out a little bit more and a finale that you wonder "is that all there is". A very good book, a very quick read, but a rather lackluster finale.


Teddy Rose said...

Great review Nancy! Back when Grisham was fresh and new I read him.

Anonymous said...

Same old same old, maybe? You handled the downside well in your review, Nancy.