Monday, July 25, 2016


Title: Clawback
Author: J. A. Jance
Published: March 8th 2016 by Touchstone
Format: Hardcover, 336 pages
Genre: Suspense
Series: Ali Reynolds #11

Well, at least she seems to do a bit of research for the main topic of her book, other than that, they tend to be on the superficial side.

Bob and Edie Larson, Ali’s parents, have retired and on the advice of their longtime friend and financial advisor, they have invested their lifesavings in Ocotillo Fund Management. Hearing on the news that the SEC have closed them down, Bob heads over to Dan Frazier’s house to find out what is going on only to find both Dan and his wife dying from stab wounds.

After stumbling over their bodies, Bob’s 911 call has him arrested for their deaths and since Ali and her husband own an internet security company, they leap into action to find not only the missing funds but also who is responsible for the deaths.

This is book eleven in the Ali Reynolds series and unless you have trudged through her previous books, you might be lost as to all the interpersonal relationships. I will continue to say that the only shining character in this series is Leyland Brooks and unfortunately, other than making a meal or two, he has no real presence in this book which is a true shame. Sister Anselm only makes a brief appearance and there is a brief mention of the characters and situation from the previous book, which was not necessary at all.

This is yet another series that I do not know why I continue, but yet I do. It has to be in hopes that one day Brooks and Anselm will team up and take on a case themselves. They would be a dynamic duo that will have the readers laughing and cheering all the way to the end.

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