Friday, January 24, 2014

Cinders: A Chicken Cinderella

Title: Cinders: A Chicken Cinderella
Author and Illustrator: Jan Brett
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile (November 5, 2013)
Format: Hardcover; Pgs 32
Genre: Children's
Ages: 3+ / Kindergarten and up

Cinders is the basic Cinderella story with the variations being chickens and a Russian Winter theme.

Jan Brett’s illustrations are magnificent. In the center of the book, there is a large fold out section that shows all the hens and pullets in their costumed finery. You could spend half the evening just looking at these four pages.

Tasha, the young girl in the story, cares for her hens and one evening she is closed into the tower that houses the birds. As she falls asleep, Largessa pulls out an invitation to a ball for Prince Cockerel. Following the same storyline as the original Cinderella, Cinder must get her sisters ready for the evening leaving no time for herself. That is until a beautiful Silkie appears with her magic wand.

The story is quiet familiar, but the phenomenal illustrations are what make the book. Jan Brett is a truly gifted illustrator and even if your young reader is not interest in the story, just let them look at the pages and tell you the story that they see.

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