Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Way I See It: A Personal Look at Autism & Asperger’s

The Way I See It: A Personal Look at Autism & Asperger’s
Temple Grandin, Ph.D.
4 out of 5

Part biography, part self aggrandizing, part text book, Dr. Grandin takes you into her world of Autism through magazine articles previously published and reorganized into an easier to follow format that incorporates her opinions on the inner workings of Autism and Asperger’s.

Temple Grandin lost me in a couple of places where she seems to be a bit redundant, but overall it’s a fascinating look at Autism from a different perspective. The how and why of an Autistic’s inner world from a perspective that is not always apparent.

I loved her comment about -- if it wasn’t for Autism we would be a world full of highly social people who would accomplish very little. The Social people are not going to want to spend the time necessary to create great art, beautiful music, or masterworks of engineering that require a great attention to detail.

Instead of thinking about Asperger’s as a detriment, it’s now easier to see that it can be a gift, the ability to use different parts of the brain that the rest of the population is clueless about. So, some people are wired differently, may not have the same social skills, but in the long run, if it wasn’t for people thinking differently, would I be able use this computer. Would there even be computers?

I highly recommend this fascinating book; I just suggest that you take it in small bits so you can digest the full meaning that Dr. Grandin is trying to get across.

Amazon Review:

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