Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#65 I'm the Vampire, That's Why

I'm the Vampire, That's Why
Michele Bardsley
4 out of 5
Don't let the cute little cover fool you, this book contains some explicit sexual content. While Jessica Mathews is minding her own business and taking out the trash she is blindsided by something big and hairy only to wake up realizing she is sucking blood out of a very gorgeous man. But funny, that isn't her only problem. Add in 11 of her friends also being turned, the woman who stole her husband constantly showing up and just the whole thing of being a Vampire mom. What's a woman to do, well, make a list and get busy kicking some butt. The graphic descriptions did catch me by surprise, but that was ok when balanced with the very funny writing and the whole list of interesting supporting characters that could easily have their own books. Amazon Review: It ain't easy being a vampire

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