The Hunted
Rachel Lee
3 out of 5
Erin McKenna thought her life was tough when she had to testify against a major defense contractor, but her life down right sucks when said contactor buys her paper and she is out on the street without a job. But she is not without choice since she has been working another angle - this defense contractor sweetens their deals by dabbling in the sex slave trade. All she needs is a little more information to print the story. When Erin McKenna is attacked at her apartment, Jerod Westlake, ex-black ops, comes to her aid and helps her uncover the whole story. Jerod has his own demons, namely the disappearance of his own sister and has made his name by finding and returning kidnapped children. Between the two of them, and with the help of good friends, Erin and Jerrod are determined to make a difference. I didn't really like this one. Was it supposed to be about the White Slave Trade, Backdoor dealing in major corporations or a love story?