Thursday, August 22, 2024

Assassins Anonymous

Title: Assassins Anonymous
Author: Rob Hart
Published: June 11, 2024 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
Format: Kindle, Hardcover, 320 Pages
Genre: Thriller
Source: My thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

First Sentence: Adrenaline is the ultimate painkiller.

Blurb: In this clever, surprising, page-turner, the world’s most lethal assassin gives up the violent life only to find himself under siege by mysterious assailants. It’s a kill-or-be-killed situation, but the first option is off the table. What’s a reformed hit man to do?

Mark was the most dangerous killer-for-hire in the world. But after learning the hard way that his life’s work made him more monster than man, he left all of that behind, and joined a twelve-step group for reformed killers.

When Mark is viciously attacked by an unknown assailant, he is forced on the run. From New York to Singapore to London, he chases after clues while dodging attacks and trying to solve the puzzle of who’s after him. All without killing anyone. Or getting killed himself. For an assassin, Mark learns, nonviolence is a real hassle.

My Opinion: Hart is an underappreciated author. Every time I read that he has a new book coming out, it shoots to the top of my wishlist. This is my third (The Warehouse (2019), The Paradox Hotel (2022)) Hart book, and I continue to tell people about them when they aren’t sure what to read and are tired of the same old thing.

Imagine you are a world-class lactose-intolerant killer for hire who has decided to give up your violent past. You have joined a twelve-step program and are days away from receiving your one-year coin from Assassins Anonymous (AA), but your past is catching up with you, and you are in a kill-or-be-killed situation. Feeling sorry for and cheering on a feared assassin is not what you think you would be doing on a Tuesday afternoon, but that is where you will find yourself.

Sure, there is a fair share of gruesome here, but there are also hysterically funny parts with heart and surprises. The reader will not be bored – I read this in two sittings – but what makes this a perfect read are the twists. So. Many. Twists. The reader is just finishing with the fallout of one before the next hits you in the solar plexus.

So, Mr. Hart, I look forward to what is coming next and will be waiting patiently for the next book that will knock me off my feet.

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