Monday, July 29, 2024

Known to the Victim

Title: Known to the Victim
Author: K.L. Armstrong
Published: June 25, 2024 by Doubleday Canada
Format: Kindle, Paperback 344
Genre: Thriller
Source: My thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

First Sentence: Prologue. The day my mother was murdered wasn’t the worst day of my life.

Blurb: When Amy Gibson's mother is brutally murdered by her boyfriend, Amy's world is completely undone. Overcome with grief and heartache, she withdraws from everything around her—college, her friends, her entire life. Until her estranged half-brother, Oliver, saves her, pulling her back into her life and giving her family. Giving her a home.

Eight years later, she's picked herself up and has worked hard to move forward. She’s the host of a popular true crime podcast that focuses on crimes against women committed by their partners and is finding purpose and healing through helping women in ways she couldn't help her mother.

And then Oliver is accused of the unthinkable—something that is so unlike him. Something that horrifies Amy. But desperate to save the only family she has, she sets out to prove her brother's innocence.

But as the days pass and more information about Oliver and his past slowly comes to light, Amy begins realizing that nothing is ever as it seems—especially when it comes to family. (GoodReads)

My Opinion: A slow, meandering start—the kind that makes you wonder if you accidentally picked up a snoozer instead of a thriller. But hold on. Just when you’re about to nod off, BAM! A “wait, what” moment smacks you awake. Suddenly, you’re focused and questioning everything.

The protagonist is Amy Gibson. She’s got brains—PhD-level brains—but common sense? Not her strong suit. You’d think academia, her past life experiences, and podcast would prepare her for life’s curveballs, but nope. She’s like a deer caught in the headlights, stumbling through a maze of secrets and danger.

What some may not know is that K.L. Armstrong is the same Kelley Armstrong behind the Rockton, Haven’s Rock, and Rip Through Time series. Unlike Armstrong’s other female characters, Amy’s no kickass detective or fierce time traveler. Nope. She’s more like a gullible puppy chasing its tail. Unfortunately, the books that lured us to Armstrong’s world? Strong, smart women taking charge is missing from this book.

When readers crack open an Armstrong thriller, we want action from page one. No dilly-dallying. So, let’s keep our heroes on point because life’s too short for foolish protagonists.

“Known to the Victim” is the final K.L. Armstrong standalone thriller. Previous titles are The Life She Had, Wherever She Goes, and Every Step She Takes.

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