Monday, November 16, 2020

On Borrowed Crime

Title: On Borrowed Crime
Author: Kate Young
Published: October 6th 2020 by Crooked Lane Books
Format: ebook, Hardcover, 311 pgs
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Series: Jane Doe Book Club Mystery #1

Refreshing when the killer isn’t obvious from the beginning. When a character is introduced, a little bit from the past is shown, but you end up dismissing them only to realize how wrong you were. So very wrong.

Every small town, like Sweet Mountain, Georgia, needs its form of entertainment, so why not the Jane Doe’s, a book club that loves discussing sleuthing, true crime, and the newest crime novels. They just weren’t ready when a creepy who-done-it landed in their very own backyard. Or front porch in the case of Lyla Moody, when a suitcase containing the body of Carol, one of the Jane Does, is dumped.

Lyla’s day job is working for her uncle’s private investigative firm, a position perfect for this crime fixated woman and her friends. Her parents would prefer that she settle down with a nice husband and children, but Lyla has other plans. Plans that involve meddling, saving a friend, and proving the local constabulary wrong.

The first in the Jane Doe Book Club Mystery series by the same author that brings readers the Marygene Brown Mystery series, will have readers eagerly anticipating the next, in what I hope is many more to come.

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