Monday, February 10, 2020

All the Best Lies

Title: All the Best Lies
Author: Joanna Schaffhausen
Published: February 11th 2020 by Minotaur Books
Format: eBook, Hardcover, 336 pages
Genre: Police Procedural
Source: My thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for an opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.
Series: Elly Hathaway #3

Joanna Schaffhausen always waits until the very end for a twist that the reader never saw coming.

FBI Agent and author Reed Markham has been by Ellery’s side since the first book and now it is time to tell his story. His biological mother was killed when he was an infant and now with his sister pushing for the whole Markham family (Reed’s adoptive family) to take DNA tests, for fun, Reed’s life has been thrown for a loop.

In 1970’s Las Vegas, Camilla Flores was found murdered and her son unharmed. The neighborhood was bad and though she had friends, they couldn’t help when evil loomed around the corner. Her friend, a police officer, tried to help. His partner was sympathetic but time went on with no conclusions and they eventually married and forgot about Camilla. Camilla’s neighbor tried to help with the baby but after the murder, she left town and the baby was eventually put up for adoption. Fortunately for Reed, the Markham’s were able to adopt him and raise him in their growing family, but even they kept a secret that they hoped would never come to light. Now that Reed knows the truth of his parentage, he won’t stop investigating until he understands who attacked his mother, his father’s involvement, and what secrets the neighbor knew.

The boundaries between Reed and Ellery have always been murky, but this time, Reed needs her help instead of the other way around. She isn’t going to judge and get in the way, she will fight for and with him in just the same way that he has for her and with the two of them focused on the same thing, there will be no stopping them, that is until a bullet almost ends Reed’s life, but still, Camilla will get the justice that she deserves.

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