Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Guardians

Title: The Guardians
Author: John Grisham
Published: October 15th 2019 by Doubleday Books
Format: Hardcover, 375 pages
Genre: Legal Procedural

I must admit that as the book was gearing up, I managed to get a couple of the characters confused and had to go back a couple of times to straighten myself out. Two storylines are going on with different casts of characters and for some reason, I was beginning to confused the men and their backstories.

Cullen Post, ex-attorney and current Episcopal Priest, spends his days on the road meeting with men and women who the nonprofit Guardian Ministries (think The Innocence Project) believes have been wrongly condemned. The ministry has a good track record of gaining the release of the wrongly convicted, but they are still way behind when it comes to both time and money.

Quincy Miller, a black man, is one such wrongly imprisoned. As you learn his story and the corruption of small-town white America, you cannot help but wonder, to question our legal system, and to exhale heavily in the frustration of it all.

John Grisham brings Post’s and Miller’s plight to the forefront and with time running out and evidence missing, you are right there in the front seat of Cullen’s car as he races from one witness to the next, from one courthouse to the next, and from one judge to the next until all the pieces finally fall into place and the Guardian’s can help another innocent man regain his freedom.

You know that there are more stories to tell and begin to hope Grisham will bring Cullen and Frankie back. You want to know the rest of their layers and that of the people The Guardian Ministries are working to save.

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