Monday, November 25, 2019

Ripe For Vengeance

Title: Ripe For Vengeance
Author: Wendy Tyson
Published: July 16th 2019 by Henery Press
Format: Kindle, 276 Pages
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Series: Greenhouse Mystery #5

Spring at Washington Acres is kicking into gear and along with it is the death of Denver Finn’s college friend. Mentoring at-risk kids have its rewards but when one is accused of murder, during a mentoring hiking and camping event, Megan and friends run to the rescue to prevent a prime suspect from being used as a scapegoat.

There is simplicity without being too obvious with the series. The same recurring characters; their ins and outs of life. Though there is a close call with Bibi, Megan’s grandmother, I will always look for her, and consider her my favorite. There is something about her insights which always brightens the Greenhouse Mystery series.

Ripe for Vengeance is the fifth book in the series, and though some of the usual bickering between vegan and organic and whatnot become tiring, I tend to look forward to what Wendy Tyson will bring to this series.

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