Monday, March 11, 2019

Murder on the Half Shelf

Title: Murder on the Half Shelf
Author: Lorna Barrett
Published: July 3rd 2012 by Berkley
Format: Hardcover, 293 pages
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Series: Booktown Mystery #6

Is it possible to love the idea of a town, but dislike all the inhabitants? That is what I am confronted with each time I pick up a book in the Booktown Mystery series. How could a book lover not love the idea of a small town centered around books with each store, and its creative name, focused on a specific genre?

Known as the town jinx since she has a tendency to stumble upon dead bodies, Stoneham, New Hampshire, mystery bookstore owner Tricia was hoping for a relaxing break when her sister Angelia won a guest stay at a new hotel. Little did she know that not only when she found the body of Pippa Comfort, she would also stumble on to Jon Comfort, the current husband of Pippa. It appears that Tricia once dated the man, but at that time, he was known as Harrison Tyler, a successful author who was later presumed dead due to a boating accident.

Tricia had promised her current boyfriend, Police Chief Grant Baker, that she would stay out of investigations, but to be honest, she did not go looking for Pippa’s body, in a way, it found her, yet Grant and his standoffish ways are now treating Tricia as a main suspect causing a deep chasm in their relationship.

With the police department treating her like a suspect, Tricia feels as though she has to investigate, if only to clear her name. Therein lays the premise of the book, in addition to finding new help for her store in an unlikely character, she has to find a killer, and convince a dead man to come forward. All of which will either have you quickly turning pages, or in my case, telling the characters to stop all of their whining and complaining and just move on with their day.

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