Monday, December 17, 2018

Depth of Winter

Title: Depth of Winter
Author: Craig Johnson
Published: September 4th 2018 by Viking
Format: Hardcover, 300 Pages
Genre: Suspense
Series: Longmire #15

I did not realize how important the supporting cast of the Longmire books is until they barely make a showing and you realize that though Walt is an institution, he needs his team to play straight men to his humor and shenanigans.

Tomas Bidart has kidnapped Walt’s daughter Cady and is holding her hostage in the Chihuahua desert. Without his usual team, Walt is reduced to depending on those that he has gathered along the way. They are a varied ragtag group, but each, including a blind Seer, hold their own and get Walt as close to his prey as possible. There are gruesome descriptions of the brutality that Walt will have to face, but nothing, and no one, will stop him from reaching his daughter.

Of course there is humor and ridiculous situations, that is the norm for a Longmire book, yet there is something decidedly different about this book. There is solemnness and a foreboding that follows the characters. A definite good versus evil that puts Walt at odds with his surroundings and a turning point that has the reader wondering what is in store for Sheriff Longmire once he returns to Absaroka County.

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