Thursday, March 29, 2018

Every Note Played

Title: Every Note Played
Author: Lisa Genova
Published: March 20th 2018 by Scout Press
Format: eBook, Hardcover, 320 pages
Genre: Fiction
Source: My thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for an opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

There is an analogy in this book that talks of a racing car in the distance and then suddenly it is parked next to you. The car signifies ALS, but it also correlates to the ending of this book. You know what is going to happen, you can see it in the distance, and then suddenly there you are with Richard struggling for his last breath.

Narcissistic Richard Evans has played in the greatest music halls around the world and has admitted that he loved music, the standing ovations, and the adoration of his fans more than he loved his daughter Grace. That he made decisions for his family solely on what he wanted and in turn crushed his wife’s soul and alienated his daughter. When the weakness first began in his finger and then progress to his hand, his manager told the world that it was tendonitis yet the truth was much more devastating. Now having to come to terms with a withering body and an ex-wife that is his caregiver, Richard must confront the choices that he has made and the family that he has pushed aside so that he could live the life that he thought he deserved.

As Richard becomes trapped in his body, he must come to terms, and in his own way, travel the five stages of grief -- denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. It is with the final stage that he begins to repair the damage that he has created, and with it, regaining an honesty and peace though apology and forgiveness, that he had stubbornly denied those that needed it most.

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